How To Play Piano By Ear!
“How To Play Piano By Ear” Book, “How to Play By Ear Using Chords” Book, one CD, two DVDs, & 6 Bonus Charts & Aids!
You can learn to play piano by ear, even if you don’t know one note form another right now. The art of playing the piano without written music is really just a matter of 3 steps: learning to recreate the musical “shape” of the tune of a song, learning how to form chords, and when and where to use them. You will learn how to “chart” a tune so you can pick it out on the keyboard, and you will learn all types of piano chords and how they are used in playing by ear.
You get the book plus the CD plus the
                           — The “Magic Piano Chord Locator” to help you find each chord!
                           — The “Melody Contour Chart” to aid you in recalling tunes
                           — The “Chord Prediction Chart” to help you choose which chord comes next in a song.
How To Play Piano By Ear… Without Written Music! Playing by ear is really a combination of of three factors:
1. Using your tonal memory to recall music you have heard:
2. Using your ears and fingers to help you reproduce what you recall;
3. Using what you are going to learn in this course — “melody contour” (the “shape” of the tune), “chord structure” (how to form the chords on the keyboard to match the tune), and “chord progressions” (the path chords take as they move through a song).
Obviously, the first 2 steps you can take more or less by yourself — you can mentally rehearse recalling a particular tune; you can sit at the piano for hours and through trial and error pick out tunes, chords, and rhythms. But the KEY to all this is what the course is really all about — teaching you how to chart the shape of a tune, learn how to construct chords, and then determine the likelihood of chord progressions — in other words, which chord comes next.
When you get an understanding of step three, you will be in a MUCH better position to understand and profit from steps one and two! In case you’re thinking to yourself right now, “I could never learn to play piano by ear,” let me assure you that your judgment is premature — you CAN learn to play by “ear”. The reason I am so sure about that is because I have learned something most people don’t realize — that playing by “ear” is not entirely what the phrase implies. When you hear someone say, “Oh, I play by ear”, you probably visualize a genius seated at a piano with a magical current of musical electricity running from his ear to his brain and down through his arms and into his fingers, where the current is then transformed into a sea of sound, with waves of rhythm and harmony breaking upon the eardrums of those less-endowed individuals sitting awe-struck nearby.
I hate to disillusion you, but it just isn’t like that! I know, because I’m one of “those people” who can play “like that” and I guarantee you that at one time I was VERY impressed, as perhaps you are now, with pianists who could play by “ear.” I had to learn to use my ear in conjunction with my brain before I could play “by ear”, and you can use exactly the same techniques I used in learning to play — except you have it easy
— I’ve figured it all out and have broken it down into easy steps. “How To Play Piano By Ear” Book, “How to Play By Ear Using Chords” Book, one CD, two DVDs, & 6 Bonus Charts & Aids!
If you need more information, click here: How To Play Piano By Ear
Phone: 541-664-7052 for orders only — for questions click here: Answers to your questions
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