How Can I Use Diminished 7th Chords?
Diminished 7th chords are great for getting from one place to another – changing keys, transitioning from a chorus to a bridge – and just making a chord progression smoother! Plus – there are only 3 different diminished 7th chords, which makes it very easy to learn them all!
Here’s a great little book on chords and chord progressions on Amazon:
***For lots more good stuff on piano playing come on over to my website at and sign up for our free piano tips – “Exciting Piano Chords & Sizzling Chord Progressions!”
About Duane
Duane Shinn (that would be me) has good news for you if you want to play the piano. He (me) has little fat hands & stubby little fingers - not at all suited for playing the piano - more suited to making mud pies or some such. I am also fairly uncoordinated with just average musical ability - certainly not a great piano player. But I've learned a ton about music over the years and people tell me I'm pretty decent at explaining how music works & how to progress more rapidly on the piano.
Over the years I have developed about 150 techniques for conquering the piano. Most professional pianists can do these techniques, but very few can explain them in a way people can understand. I specialize in making complex techniques simple. I invite you to watch a few of my free videos and see some of these for yourself before making any decision about taking any of my courses.