The Mysterious Secret Back Door To Playing Colorful & Exciting Piano!


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People say, “How can you play like this without looking at the music?” The reason I was able to do that eventually was because I came through the back door and learned chords. If you learn chords, then you can start playing songs without having to go through that painstaking “Up we go” and “Down we go.” I’m not knocking that. Any kid should learn how to do that, but I wish piano teachers would also teach chords along with music reading. It would have made a huge difference for me.

But now I invite you to come through the back door of piano playing with me. I will share with you what I have learned, and teach you chords galore. I think you’re going to really love it, especially if you’re just getting into piano playing.

Here’s what you will learn:

  • The 3 easy chords that you MUST know
  • All the major chords (12 of them)
  • All the minor chords (again, 12 of them)
  • All the diminished chords
  • All the augmented chords
  • All the 6th chords
  • All the 7th chords
  • All the major 7th chords (different than 7th chords)
  • All the 9th chords
  • All the 11th chords
  • All the 13th chords
  • All the suspended and altered chords (tons of them – but they are easy to understand once you know the basics
  • Inversions (chords upside down)
  • And LOTS MORE including the Circle of Keys, the Circle of Minor Keys & about ten exciting chord progressions you can use


Watch the video below to find out exactly what you’ll get from this course!

This is a digital ebook (PDF) that you can download immediately upon purchasing