How To Read Music… In One Evening!


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If you’ve ever wanted to read music, but thought it was too complicated or would take too long, this exciting course is the solution to the problem. It reduces music to its 3 basic elements:

  • Melody (the tune of a song — the part you whistle or hum)
  • Harmony (the background notes — usually chords of some kind)
  • Rhythm (the beat — the part of music that makes you tap your toe)


…and then shows how each element can be mastered almost overnight. Hilarious drawings make the book that comes with the course fun to read and act as “memory jogger” so that you won’t forget what you’ve learned. The CD lets you HEAR each element of music reading, and the DVD lets you SEE how it all works together — so it goes right along with the book and demonstrate each point.

Will you be good at reading music after one evening? Of course not. But you’ll know how, and you can spend the rest of your life getting better and better at it and enjoying it more and more.

I know — it sounds like some kind of con game, some rip off, some shoddy offer where they take your money and run.

But it isn’t. I’ve operated this music school for over 30 years now, and taught literally thousands and thousands and thousands of people how to read music and play piano. If it was a rip-off, the Post Office or the Medford Police Dept. would have shut me down years ago. Instead, I’ve taught many Postal workers and their kids. I’ve sponsored Little League teams. At least one Medford cop was a student of mine for many years. I’ve played piano each Sunday at a local church for 25 years or more. Most everyone in Medford knows me on a first-name basis.

No. It’s not a rip-off. It’s the real thing. I CAN teach you to read music in one evening. And you are the judge. If you don’t feel I’ve kept my word, you get every penny back — pronto. No questions asked, ever.

Funny, but nobody ever takes me up on that offer.

That’s because when they understand that reading music is just a matter of learning 3 basic concepts, and how they work together, they say “Oh — now I understand! It’s not hard at all.”

In about 60 minutes — the length of just one TV show — I can have you understanding the THREE PRINCIPLES OF MUSIC READING. In another 60 minutes, you’ll know all the names of the lines and spaces on BOTH CLEFS, you’ll know how to keep time in 3/4 and 4/4 (the two basic meters), you’ll know ALL the sharps and ALL the flats, and what order they come in, and what keys they occur in, and you’ll know how to form 144 chords.

In another 60 minutes, you’ll review all of the above, and YOU’LL KNOW IT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.

Instead of paying thousands of dollars for months or years of classes or lessons (to say nothing of the frustration), LEARN IT ALL THE VERY EVENING YOUR COURSE ARRIVES, and then spend the rest of your life ENJOYING and improving and speeding up your brand-new music reading skills.

Proof? Sure. I’ve got HUNDREDS (or is it thousands? — I haven’t counted for years) of unsolicited letters from people just like you:

“Your course “How To Read Music In One Evening” is excellent. When it arrived I couldn’t read note one, and now I am able to do fairly well — slow but reliable. You pack a lot of information in a small apace and made it both understandable and readable.”
(Tom W. from Livonia, Mich.)

“I am the copywriter for (here she names a large catalog firm whose name you would immediately recognize) Company and just finished reading your “How To Read Music In One Evening.” I have had many years of experience with music, and if you’ll excuse my French, that’s the best (here she uses a word I won’t repeat) book I’ve ever seen!!! Your style is so precious and it’s so compact, so honest, so easy to use — Mozart himself would have enjoyed a copy for reference.”
(Carol T., Oshkosh, Wis.)


And hundreds more like that. But don’t take their word for it, and don’t take my word. Just order the course and see for yourself. By the time you are convinced, you’ll already be reading music. Get your order in today. I’ll “quick-ship” your course to you in 48 hours by 1st class mail. By this time next week, you’ll be reading music!

This course contains a DVD video & audio CD & illustrated book