How to Play Spirituals on the Piano – 2 Courses in One!


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Spirituals are songs of faith that were sung by the people of African descent who served as slaves in the South in the early years of America. As they suffered in this life, they cried out in hope of the life to come in songs such as “Nobody Knows The Trouble I’ve Seen, Nobody Knows But Jesus…” and “I Want To Cross Over Jordan.”

But they also sang songs of joy, such as “All God’s Children Got Shoes” and “Joshua Fit The Battle of Jericho.”

These songs were a way of expressing their faith in God as many of the slaves converted to Christianity, but they were also believed to be a way of protesting against social injustices orchestrated against Americans of African descent. They are very interesting to listen to especially because they always carry with them a deep spiritual meaning.

You Get 2 Courses in One:

1:”Playing Spirituals On The Piano”

2:”Playing Spirituals On Your Piano From a Lead Sheet”

Duane will teach you to play all these songs:

  1. Deep River (Course 1)
  2. Dry Bone (Course 1)
  3. Every Time I Feel The Spirit (Course 1)
  4. Joshua Fit The Battle Of Jericho (Course 1)
  5. All God’s Children Got Shoes (Course 1)
  6. Nobody Knows The Trouble I’ve Seen (Course 1)
  7. This Train Is Bound For Glory (Course 1)
  8. Where You There When They Crucified My Lord (Course 1)
  9. Shall We Gather At The River (Course 1)
  10. O Them Golden Slippers (Course 2)
  11. Go Down Moses (Course 2)
  12. I’m Just a Poor Wayfaring Stranger (Course 2)
  13. When The Saints Go Marching In (Course 2)
  14. Swing Low Sweet Chariot (Course 2)
  15. He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands (Course 2)


This course contains 2 Instructional DVDs & printed music for each song in the the first course & a lead sheet (just the melody and chord symbols) for each song in the second course