How To Play Piano By Ear! (Digital)


SKU: COMBO-EAR-dg Categories: , ,


With this digital course, you will receive:

  • “How To Play Piano By Ear” book (pdf)
  • “How to Play By Ear Using Chords” book (pdf)
  • One audio lesson
  • Two instructional videos
  • Six bonus charts & aids (pdf)


With this digital course, you will learn to:

  • Recreate the musical “shape” of a tune (melody contour).
  • Form the chords on the keyboard to match the tune (chord structure).
  • Know the path chords take as they move through a song (chord progressions).


You can learn to play piano by ear, even if you don’t know one note from another right now. The art of playing the piano without written music is really just a combination of three factors:

  1. Using your tonal memory to recall music you have heard.
  2. Using your ears and fingers to help you reproduce what you recall.
  3. Using what you are going to learn in this course — melody contour, chord structure, and chord progressions.


Obviously, you’ve probably already taken the first two steps by yourself —  recalling a particular tune, sitting at the piano, and picking out tunes, chords, and rhythms through trial and error. When you get an understanding of step three though, you will be in a much better position to understand and profit from steps one and two!