has more fun teaching piano than should be legal, and that love of piano
playing and chords and music in general is contagious. Thousands of piano
students down through the years have benefited from his easy-going teaching
style in person and through his many videos, audios, and publications. |
- Duane
is a graduate of Southern Oregon University in Ashland, Oregon with
a BS & Masters Degree in Humanities (Music & English literature
- a double major) and he is known as "the man who wrote the book"
-- since he is the author of over 500 books, CD's and DVD's having to
do with all aspects of piano playing.
- Duane passed away in July 2018 but his legacy and his life’s work continues to teach people all over the world to play the piano.
- But degrees
and education means nothing without the ability to teach so that the
student can UNDERSTAND and then APPLY what he or she understands.
Take one course and you'll immediately see for yourself why Duane's
DVD and CD courses are "one of a kind" -- they actually get
you UNDERSTANDING music and then show you...
- Keyboard
Workshop was established in 1965
to help piano players of all levels enhance their piano playing ability
though the use of chords, styles, rhythms, runs, fills and other strategies.
So we've been around the block a couple times, and we know what works!
- Duane
started teaching in the Sacramento, California area in the early 60's,
teaching both kids and adults in their homes. As he would drive from
home to home he would listen to instructional cassettes in his VW bug,
learning more and more about music and teaching.
- In
1966 he & Bev and his 2 children moved to Oregon where he resumed
teaching both as a "route teacher" and then later opened his
own piano teaching studio named "Piano University" featuring
a network of electronic keyboards with headsets for both group and private
teaching. The photo on the right shows two of Duane's students
(one of which is Garin, his son) along with two of his teachers, Diane
& Paul. Soon after that he established PlayPiano to make his courses
available nationwide, and later worldwide.

- The smiling
face the right is that of the fun-loving Arnie of Pronto Print,
a long-time friend who does all the printing and binding of Duane's
books and materials. Arnie has worked & joked & laughed with
Duane for over 25 years, so has the feel for exactly what is needed
in the way of printed materials.
- Our digital
expert is Darryl of Creative Video Designs, who produces and
duplicates all of Duane's DVD's and CD's. Anytime there is a problem
with a disc, Darryl is our go-to guy. He designs and duplicates thousands
of CD and DVD discs every month. He & Duane meet every Thursday
morning for breakfast to hash out problems and pray and joke a bit.
Each course is carefully assembled and shipped via Priority Mail (or UPS on larger orders). We ship all
over the world including all of the USA, Canada, Great Britain, all
of Europe, Australia, Asia, and many islands. The photo on the right
shows the fabulous duo of Muriel and Bev
preparing orders so they will arrive in a nice little package
at your doorstep.
It's never too early to start learning! Hannah picks out a tune.
may look like a beagle, but really is a cleverly disguised cool cat
who plays a mean boogie.
the real heroes of PlayPiano are you and you and you
-- our thousands of wonderful students, without which we wouldn't even
of course our ultimate gratitude goes to our gracious and loving God,
from whom all blessings flow.

early years of teaching...

© Keyboard Workshop 2008
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