"All The
Piano Chords In The Whole Wide World"
How many piano chords are there?Have you ever wondered how many piano chords there are? I'm sure you know many chords, but are there lots more just waiting to be discovered? An interesting experiment
is to ask people how many chords there are in music. You'll be surprised to find
out that most musicians don't do any This 2-hour DVD covers all the ways of forming chords. There are only so many ways of combining notes, and this DVD video explores the almost infinite variations a piano player can use to create their own, distinctive chord sounds. Along with the DVD you'll get a "picture book of chords" that shows over one thousand chords -- everything from diminished chords to chords with sharp 9ths and flat 7ths, plus 11th and 13th chords -- and then on the DVD Duane shows you how to voice the chords in various ways ("voice" means to position them on the keyboard for certain sounds) and combine certain chords for polytonality. You'll also learn about suspensions, alterations, "slash chords", tone clusters, and more. Having this DVD and book is like having a dictionary -- absolutely necessary!
In two hours you will know more about chords than even most musicians know! You'll never again wonder about chords -- the answers are both on the DVD so you can SEE and HEAR all the chords, as well as illustrated in picture form in the book! WW-1: "All The Chords In The Whole Wide World"Two-Hour
DVD & "Picture Book Of Chords!"
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